Last fall, we filmed a new program which included about 30 or so videos on Pet First Aid. The program is going to be released within the next month or so. We shot the entire program at 48000 Hz for the video, and 44100 Hz for the audio. We’re talking hundreds of takes, and using the above technique would have added a ton of time to the project.
To correct it all, quickly, I used PluralEyes. At first, I tried the entire project, but it doesn’t work so well to do that. PluralEyes works best with a lower number of files. I wound up sorting this particular program by section of videos (we hadn’t yet sorted down to individual topics). On other projects, I sort down to individual videos and then run them through PluralEyes.
What it does is take all of the video from as many cameras as you used, plus the audio, and lines it up for you. You can then export to Premiere Pro (as well as other video editing software). It also creates new audio files that are labeled “drift corrected.” That’s right. PluralEyes changed the 44100 Hz audio to match the 48000 Hz video… in seconds… automagically!
After that, I import the file exported from PluralEyes, and use the timeline from that export as my video/audio source, that I copy from. Get PluralEyes and be amazed!
Before I purchase i need to have an answer.
I edit a lot of videos live concerts and have this issue in multicam shots (from different audio and videos sources) :
when i perfectly adjust files at the begining in the timeline all clips start fine and they match perfectly.
After a few minutes files on the timeline don’t much anymore causing a drift that i have to fix manually.
My question is : will Pluraleyes fix those drifting problems for the audio alone or for audio + video.
If so, does the software stretch each file separatly so they match exactly with each other from the begining till the end ?
The tutorials I’ve seen on the web deal only with aligning files to match but they never mention the process.
thank you for your answer.
Sorry about the very late response. I have found that PluralEyes does match speed of audio with video.
What you’re experiencing is the same sort of audio drift that I have experienced. Especially when using a Zoom that was recording to 44100 Hz and the camera recording video at 48000 Hz. Pluralize can do multiple timelines all at one time, as long you pull in all of the datasources / angles when lining things up.